👋 Hi, I'm Edyan Cruz

A passionate software engineering student at the University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez Campus. With interests in Android, game, and full stack web development, I enjoy programming and creating innovative software solutions.

My projects

Discord Application Bot

Don't Let Him Cook

A simple platformer game made using Godot for the Fall 2023 CAHSI Game Jam, which received 3rd place out of 13 total submitted games.

FlightTracker Pro

FlightTracker Pro

An Android app I built with a team of 3 for CodePath's Intro to Android Development course. The app lets you search for flights based off a given flight number, airline, departure, or arrival airport and see the details of that flight.

Discord Application Bot

Discord Application Bot

Discord Bot for managing application forms within a Discord server. Each form is managed in a single channel where the applications are answered inside threads.

Integral Approximator Program

Integral Approximator

A simple GUI to approximate integrals via the trapezoidal, midpoint, and Simpson's rules, while also integrating via the regular method if possible. Written in Python using the PySimpleGUI and SymPy libraries.

Simulated submarine and terminal displaying the filtered output

Controls System Data Filter

Merges the velocity, orientation, position, and pressure data from the IMU, DVL, and pressure sensor into a buffer message that is then published at a continuous rate.

ZorroMC website

ZorroMC website

Website made for a Minecraft server I used to run. Built using Bootstrap and Webpack, making use of the accordion and grid layouts.

Contact me